So fasting month is over and right now Hari Raya beckons. Well in its entirety, I should be joyful. Well, I am. But for all the wrong reasons.
NUMBER ONE on my priority list. Parttying. Do you know how long I've missed cubbing?!! GOSH, IT'S BEEN AGES, MAN!! Actually, just 1 and a half. Still...
NUMBER TWO. WOOO no more fasting!!! I consider this year to be an achievement, really!! 2 weeks!! Aren't I awesome?! LOL. The initial goal was a full month though. But Only barey managed half of it. I got a shit face everytime I fast though -.- . Besides that I guess, nothing much? Oh, I still gotta clean up my room. Its like a pig sty. My cothes on the floor. My bags on top oft. My books is piling up on the cabinet. GEH!! I need a maid!! Well, guess I'll start cleaning a wee bit now. Sucks to be me. -.-
Oh yea before I forgot, Slamat Hari Raya to everyone. Muslims or not. Please do forgiv me if I ever do anything wrong to you guys.
http://mct421.deviantart.com/art/Question-Meme-Generator-692664811. What musical instrument would kyro most likely play?Guitar probably. She's been harpin about Guitar Heroes on Wii. So yeah. Most probably it woul be an Electric Guitar of somesort. lol.
2. What musical instrument would vivian most likely play?Vivian? Musical instrument??? A recorder I think. XD ROFL!
3. Who's herwan dating?Who he dates isn't any of my concern. Prolly dating a Iqbal. Hahahahas.
4. Oh no, iqbal got kidnapped by aliens! What do you say once they get back?Hmmm. This is a tough one. I'd ask him why they let him back. Iqbal is as alien as everyone else is. lol.
5. What would you do if noris confessed love to you?Well, I'd love to be loved by many. But. I'm not interested in Men. LOL.
6. Super fun fun adventure amusement park marathon with you, tap and vivian! How will it go?Oh it'll be fun and I'll be puking on the roller coaster and then we'll go the haunted house only to realise that we have to search for Tap coz he just blends with the dark. -.-
7. What if you found out that haikal was secretly an alien plotting to take over the world together with noris?HAHAHA! They will make one of he most bumbling duosof aliens ever! Will be hilarious if that were the case!! HAAHAS!
8. What was your first impression of sharail?Big guy. -.-
9. Hot rachel on noris action - Yes/No?NO!! Can't see that happening!! MY SAYANG!!! LOL!!!
10. If Celeste were to be mistaken for a celebrity, who would it be?Spongebob. Spongebob IS a celebrity right? -.-